Products subject to the law
The CHF EPR sector concerns all clothing textiles, household linen and shoes:
Placed on the French market (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion Island, Mayotte, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Martin)
Sold or donated (including the products donated during special professional/promotional events to collaborators and/or consumers)
To consumers (including sales to staff)
New/ offered (sold or donated) on the market for the first time, including upcycled products made from fabric off-cuts or dormant stocks (unsold items that have not contributed) or with a mixed composition (waste objectfs/recovered materials - second-hand textiles, footwear or household linen/ sold fabric off-cuts)
Clothes made of 100% leather or natural fur are not subject to this regulation. Apart from these products, all materials are concerned (cotton, polyester, silk, recycled or not, etc.).
An upcycled product made entirely (excluding ornaments or finishing elements) from used fabrics, materials, clothing textiles, household linen or footwear (second-hand, having already contributed to its initial marketing) is not subject to Textile EPR.
Download the non-exhautive list of products subject and excluded
The articles subject to the regulation were published in the Official Journal on August 21, 2008.
To illustrate the exclusions of the Textile Sector that fall within the scope of other EPR sectors, download our Glossary.
For all the products that do not concern our EPR system, please check this page (in French only: Fonctionnement des filières REP – Ademe) to see if an EPR system exists and can take care of the end-of-life of these products. To date, there is no EPR system for leather goods.